US Research Projects
Tsunami Deposits
Oregon, 2007
To better understand tsunami processes associated with Cascadia subduction zone earthquakes, ground penetrating radar (GPR) transects were collected.
Imaging Tsunami Deposits in Oregon Using GPR
Chippewa River Terraces
Wisconsin, 2007
The Geomorphic History and Evolution of a Western Wisconsin River
Half Moon Lake
Wisconsin, 2005
This undergraduate research project proposes to investigate various ways of redirecting (by recycling/composting) subaqueous industrial waste. Presently these industrial waste sites, located in many Wisconsin lakes, are being considered for dredging and the waste is headed for landfills. The industrial waste is a by-product of the sawmill era, which used lakes as both a holding pond for their logs and a place to deposit waste. The research program will look at two Western Wisconsin lakes as test cases: Half Moon Lake in Eau Claire County and Rib Lake in Taylor County.
Student Researcher Works to Improve Quality of Half Moon Lake
Class of 2008: Geographer Patrick Dryer - Half Moon Lake Research
Pacific Northwest Field Studies
West Coast, 2003
GEOG 401: Field Studies
Pacific Northwest Field Studies
Fort McCoy Study
Wisconsin, 1999
Fort McCoy Archaeological Study
Carson Sink Sand Dunes
Nevada, 1999
Attempting to map sand dunes in the Carson Sink, we were assisted by an individual from The University of Nevada - Reno. The Carson Sink is located northeast of Reno, Nevada.
Mapping the Sand Dunes in Carson Sink
Alluvial Fans
Nevada, 1999
In Nevada, alluvial fans are very important areas to be studied when flooding is concerned because there are not many large rivers in the region. Basin and Range topography dominates the region, so when government agencies such as the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) assess flood risk for developers, homeowners, and insurance companies other hazardous areas such as alluvial fans must be evaluated. Residential areas such as that in the figure to the right, have a much greater flooding hazard than the homeowners might have believed after seeing the desert landscape that surrounds their property.
The Use of Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) on Alluvial Fans South of Carson City, Nevada
SW Washington Coastal Erosion Project
west coast, 1998
Southwest Washington Coastal Erosion Project 1998 Summer Research Group
SW Washington Coastal Erosion Project
Nevada Field Studies
Western Nevada, 1998
Lake Lahontan & Russell Spit
Western Nevada, 1998
Lake Lahontan Studies and the Application of GPR in the Interpretation of Ancient Lakeshore Formations
Active Back-Barrier Coastal Dunes
North Carolina & Virginia
We used Ground Penetrating Radar to determine the internal structure of four active back-barrier eolian dunes along the barrier island coast of North Carolina and Virginia. The purpose of the project was to determine the history and possible causes of dune activity and dune stabilization in this region to predict the future of these dunes.
Active Back-Barrier Coastal Dunes in Northeast North Carolina and Southeast Virginia
Cape Henry Dunes and Beach Ridges
This was a reconnaissance study to determine the effectiveness of Ground Penetrating Radar on beach ridges and dunes at Cape Henry, Virginia. This information will be used for a larger project that is interested in the sea levels recorded in the geological features at Cape Henry for paleoclimate analysis.
Ground Penetrating Radar Study of Dunes and Beach Ridges at Cape Henry, Virginia
Fort McCoy Potential Native American Burial Mounds
The results of a ground penetrating radar (GPR) investigation is to determine the origin of Mound B, one of thirteen, low, conical mounds located within Fort McCoy, Monroe County, Wisconsin. Historically, these mounds have been catalogued as preColumbian burial mounds even though cultural material has not been recovered from them. Despite this, and recent geomorphic research which questions their cultural origin, Federal regulations prohibit the disturbance of these mounds. Therefore, GPR, a non-invasive means to investigate the near-subsurface was chosen to determine the origin of Mound B. The morphology, topographic position, and geomorphic setting of Mound B is similar to that of the other thirteen mounds. High-resolution (200 MHz antennae) GPR data was collected to observe sedimentary characteristics within and below Mound B to depths ranging from 3-5 m. GPR data was collected in a grid pattern (19.75 m by 20.5 m, with 0.25 m separation), and then displayed for analysis using 3-D software (Slicer). GPR data reveal a sequence of horizontally- oriented, variously cross-bedded (low-angle), lenticular beds (3-5 m thick) within and adjacent to Mound B. This bedding pattern supports the interpretation that the mounds are the result of slopewash aggradation. However, this pattern becomes less uniform and more disturbed in the mound center where subsurface radar patterns of unknown origin are observed. Further investigation is warranted to identify the unknown subsurface patterns in the mound center.
Native American Burial Mounds, Fort McCoy, Wisconsin
Rib Lake Project
Timber Treasures: The Search for Lost Logs
St. Rose Cemetery
In the mid 1950’s a young child died and was buried at St. Rose Cemetery near Cadott, Wisconsin. At the time the family could not afford a permanent inscribed headstone for the burial site. Over time a purchased statue became damaged and was removed from the site. Since the burial site was not marked or recorded on the sexton’s map, the location of the site became unknown. In 2004, a member of the family contacted Dr. Harry Jol with hopes that the grave might be located using ground penetrating radar (GPR).
Within St. Rose Cemetery there is an area called the ‘baby lot’ where many young children are buried. Previous attempts were made to obtain a sexton’s map, but the records were not up-to-date to include the burial site of interest. Upon arrival at St. Rose Cemetery we were directed to an area in the ‘baby lot’ where the family thought the baby was most likely buried. After our initial GPR investigation, a sexton’s map was acquired and it indicated that 25 known graves were located in the ‘baby lot’ (each burial plot being 30 cm by 60 cm) but presently only 14 headstones are visible.
Coastal Erosion Programs
West Coast
Collaborative Geologic Research in Action
NW GeoData Clearinghouse
West Coast
PSU Geology's Data Portal
Searching for the Lost Village
West coast
According to Lewis and Clark's map and journal descriptions, the Clatsop native village was located 300 m south of the former Clatsop River's outlet. The results of this project may be used in future attempts to locate the Clatsop native village and/or establish historic landmarks at the site.
Searching for the lost village
Southwest Washington Coastal Erosion Program
West Coast
The Southwest Washington Coastal Erosion Study (SWCES) is a Federal - State - Local cooperative research project conducted by the US Geological Survey Coastal & Marine Geology Program and the Washington Department of Ecology - Coastal Monitoring & Analysis Program . The SWCES was initiated to examine the coastal evolution, processes, geology, and hazards of the Columbia River littoral cell (CRLC). The study area extends approximately 160 km along the United States' Pacific Northwest coast between Tillamook Head, Oregon and Point Grenville, Washington. The project involves fundamental and applied research aimed at developing a regional-scale understanding of coastal processes and their associated shoreline changes over a variety of time scales. Research efforts are directed towards developing an understanding of the littoral cell morphology and dynamics to facilitate land use planning and resource management decisions into the future.
SW Washington Coastal Erosion Program
USGS Coastal Studies
West Coast
Lake Holocene shoreface retreat scraps from ground penetrating radar profiles: Columbia river littoral cell, Washington and Oregon, USA.
USGS Sound Waves
West Coast
Woods Hole Field Center (SWCES)