GEOG 368/401/491
Field Seminar/Capstone/ Special Topics
Designed to integrate theory and methodology, quantitative, and cartographic techniques, and field work. Literature review, research design, data collection, and presentation skills are stressed. Examine contemporary issues and special topics in geography with place-based analysis.
2019 Desert Southwest
GEOG 395/399/499
Directed Studies/Independent Studies
Centered around ground penetrating research, students attend a GPR workshop that covers everything from what GPR is to how you process and interpret the data. Students then choose a project and develop a deliverable of their choosing, either a presentation at a research conference or a scientific research paper.
GEOG 361
Environmental Hazards
Focused on geomorphic, atmospheric, and human environmental hazards and disasters. How the Earth’s normal processes concentrate their energies and deal destructive blows to humans and their structures.
GEOG 304
Introduction to geomorphology
An introduction to physical processes that affect the Earth's surface and the landforms that result. Focused on field and laboratory techniques of investigating landforms and the fundamentals of communicating results.
GEOG 104
The Physical Environment
Familiarize students with Earth systems—including the interrelationships among them—that operate at the surface of the Earth, with particular emphasis on those Earth-system processes that determine the distribution of physical phenomena at global and regional scales. Students learn about the principles and mechanisms of climate, weather, soils, vegetation, ecosystems, and earth surface processes that sculpt physical landscapes. Provide a basic appreciation of the physical features that characterize this unique planet and an understanding of their geographic distribution across the globe.