International Research Projects

Locating Holocaust Mass Burial Sites

latvia & Lithuania, 2024

Locating Holocaust Mass Burial Sites

UWEC students uncover the history of Holocaust sites in Eastern Europe

Locating Mass Graves Using GPR

Latvia & Lithuania, 2023

Locating Mass Burial Graves using GPR in Latvia and Lithuania

Earth Subsurface Structure Exploration

New Zealand, 2023


Eastern Europe Holocaust Research

Latvia & lithuania, 2022

Eastern Europe Holocaust Research

Lithuanian Holocaust Sites

Great Synagogue of Vilna

Lithuania, 2016 - 2021

Resistance - They Fought Back

The Great Synagogue and Shulhof of Vilna

Holocaust Tragedy Sites

lithuania, 2018

Blugolds join international research team in Lithuania

The Words of a Young Jewish Poet Provoke Soul-Searching in Lithuania

Finding Matilda Trailer

International Research Team Discovers Grave of the "Anne Frank of Lithuania"

Journalists from the USA are collecting material for a film about M. OlkinaitÄ—

Lithuania’s Holocaust

Antarctica and the Southern Ocean  

Antarctica & New Zealand, 2014

Antarctica New Zealand

GPR Expert Harry Jol Joins Research Team in Antarctica

Students in Geography Field Seminar Course Head to Graduate School Well Prepared

Recent UW-Eau Claire Alumnus Works Creating Maps of Antarctica

The Riddle of Mount Sinai 

Israel, 2008

Har Karkom

Bethsaida Archaeology Excavations

Israel, 2005

Bethsaida Biblical Archaeology

Visit to Bethsaida

Nazareth Expeditions 

Israel, 2005

Visit to Nazareth

Tel Yavne

Israel, 2005

Excavating the Tooth - Tel Yavne

Visit to Yavne and Yavne Yam

The Synagogue at Burgos

Spain, 2005 


Qumran Excavation

Israel, 2002

Qumran Excavation - Israel

"Debate rages over biblical mystery"

Rennes le Chateau

France, 2002

Rennes le Chateau, The Mystery

The Cave of Letters 

Israel, 2000

Expedition to the Cave of Letters